Category: Conferences & other scholarly events
Of course, I could and would work tonight. But my brain is fried after over 6 hours of tele/videoconference today. Also, I had a meeting with the school administration of my district in between telcos and have to think about what it means for the next steps in bringing refugee...
Le texte ci-dessous est celui de mon intervention à la soirée consacrée à Ada Lovelace à l’institut d’études avancées de Paris le 2 décembre 2015. On m’a justement fait remarquer que la notion de romantisme aurait gagné à être définie. Je promets de développer cet aspect (laissé ici, il est vrai, un peudans...
In her brilliant closing keynote of the TEI conference in Lyon, Charlotte Roueché exposed research questions in such a way that they seemed inseparable from what one could consider are infrastructural challenges, but are in truth also methodological or even political principles. Talking about the TEI community was the ideal...
The TEI Conference 2015 is now in full swing. After the opening keynote by Milad Doueihi that took us through the depths of literate coding yesterday, today’s program began with both a panel and a paper session which made me regret my lack of ubiquity. The panel dealt with the...
The conference on Henriette Herz ended today in the Mendelssohn-Remise, a location situated opposite the Academy of Sciences and only two houses away from the place where Rahel Levin received her friends. The city center of Berlin is full of historical places, especially around the Gendarmenmarkt, which is unanimously praised in...
During the #dhiha6 conference, we tried out different formats in order to foster exchanges. One of them were the Lounges, which I mentioned in an earlier post. In the lounges, participants could actively contribute to predetermined setups by commenting texts, answering questions, letting ideas emerge. This setting was interesting in that it allowed...
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