Category: Long Time Archiving
Le manifeste “Humanités Numériques et crise climatique” a été rédigé à plusieurs mains au cours de l’été 2021 par un petit groupe de travail informel qui s’est retrouvé autour d’une volonté de prise de conscience collective des enjeux environnementaux liés aux pratiques de recherche propres aux Humanités Numériques. Ce texte...
Das Manifest “Digital Humanities und die Klimakrise” entstand im Sommer 2021 als Ergebnis von Diskussionsrunden einer Gruppe von digitalen Geisteswissenschaftler*innen aus aller Welt, die den ökologischen Fußabdruck der Forschungsaktivitäten in den Digital Humanities thematisieren und stärker in das Bewusstsein der Fachgemeinschaft rücken wollen. Dabei handelt es sich nicht um einen...
So now it is here, the fatal year in which my project funding will definitely end. Since my last postings, nothing has changed to the fact that I have no stable perspective for the time after (somebody should really tell the German Research Foundation that Junior Research Group Leadership is...
The one thing I have been missing for months (together with having more text online, please, please, please) was the feeling of having a clear plan. The more I have to present myself with a vision, the less I feel like I have one. Being now under no duty whatsoever...
Some nine months ago, I gave an interview (in French!) to Maud Ingarao. She was preparing a series of papers presenting German DH projects for the French public, so I had the pleasure to come after Christof Schöch and Torsten Schaßan (excusez du peu). I had the feeling this was...
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