Monthly Archive: August 2012
As much as I like developing visions, they lead one way or another to pragmatical decisions that are not always so easy or satisfactory. Here is the vision: you would have the list of books that Boeckh gave to the University Library in manuscript form, digitized on your screen. You...
Although I had carefully avoided to confront myself with the question of how the digital version of our edition of Boeckh’s Encyklopädie (see here for more detail on that) was supposed to compare to the print version, I was compelled to do so this afternoon under the pressure of my...
My last blog post was in German and dealt with the letters from Antonie von Chamisso to her husband Adelbert of the Summer 1823. I posted it on another of our blogs, the Caroline von Humboldt Forum. You can read the post here.
As I mentioned in some earlier posts, I am working on a grant application for an edition project. What we want to edit is Boeckh’s Encyklopädie und Metholodogie der philologischen Wissenschaften. There exist several editions of this book, all of them being a) older and b) based on a cumulative...
… have probably nothing in common except for the cohabitation they are forced to in my schedule of this August: preparing the Voß volume (e.g. the contributions to the conference I organized together with Josefine Kitzbichler and Enrica Fantino in the Summer 2010, enriched with the Voß-Solger-correspondence), preparing the grant...
With school starting on August 6th, the University buildings are deserted but for those who have kids in school age like I do. You can even recognized the bikes, not only because they are parked from 8:20 on, but also because they have old child seats on them that are...
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