Monthly Archive: January 2013
Yesterday, we had a guest in the person of Peter Stadler, who came to present the Carl-Maria-von-Weber-Gesamtausgabe and talk about technicalities and general DH philosophy. It is always interesting, as it has also been in discussions with Stefan Dumont (who develops the digital work environment of the Schleiermacher edition at the Academy...
I had announced there would be some tweeting during this morning’s meeting and – nada. That’s what happens when you take notes on a piece of paper because things go too fast for even a tweet. Two persons taking minutes in a googledoc, two persons moderating, 14 or so persons...
I received today the answers to my questions about the Schinkel portal from the director of the Kupferstichkabinett in charge of the project, Heinrich Schulze Altcappenberg, whom I am very grateful to for taking the time to deal with my ominous five questions. They come in addition to those of Georg...
Two years or so ago, when I started thinking about my digital edition, I came across Vincent van Gogh-The Letters. It has since then been a major source of inspiration. When I first learned about the Schinkel online catalogue last week, I thought that this portal probably compares for art...
Yesterday evening, Patrick Sahle and Ulrike Henny from the Cologne Center for eHumanities presented the result of a project conducted together with the Academy of Sciences and Arts of North Rhine-Westphalia at the Digital Classicist Seminar in Berlin. The project consists in providing a sustainable digital environment for the publication of...
I couldn’t find my sleep yesterday. This happens a couple of times in the year, when I am overworked and underbicycled. While not being able to sleep, my thoughts went through my head first in French – that was the part where I cursed myself for working too much. Then, it switched...
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