Monthly Archive: March 2014
In her book On Germany, Germaine de Stael draws a picture of Germany as a counterbalance to France – a way of criticizing the Napoleon regime which had banned her from her home country. She announces at the beginning of the text that she will present “opinions alien to those...
It has been a problem of our digital edition for about a year now, that the new interface, as cute as it is, is conceived for a much bigger amount of corpus than we now have. And whether with the amount we have now or with a bigger amount of...
An esteemed colleague and friend handed me over a short text last week, saying he was curious to know what I think of it. To be true, now that I have read it, I am mostly tempted to hop on my bike on this Sunday evening, ride to his place...
I would not have thought that 15 months before the group’s funding ends would feel as if a nuclear bomb was about to explode. It is time to wrap things up. The doctoral positions end in November ’14, the post-doctoral one in March ’15, mine in June ’15, and we...
We have known it for a while. We have discussed it. How bad does it look to have six grey-haired men sit and discuss the politics? How bad does it look to have, on the other side, a strictly feminine, 20 years younger organization team? We managed to even things...
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