Monthly Archive: June 2014
One of the first categories I introduced on this blog was “this edition”, because the blog was originally conceived to “accompany” the realization of Letters and Texts. Over the last months, I have written a lot about blogging per se, about Academia in general, about the second book I am...
The contribution published yesterday by 2 of my B.A. students on this blog is a good opportunity to comment (again) on the fact that blogging is rather a science than a technique and, more accurately still, rather an art than a science. I gave a whole series of indications to...
“Nur leider weiß ich nicht recht viel schönes zu schreiben, überdem ist es heute morgen hier noch so kalt, daß mein Witz gefriert.” August Wilhelm von Schlegel an Johann Carl Fürchtegott Schlegel, Göttingen den 4. Mai 1786 Ein Blick in die beta-Version der digitalen Briefedition von A. W. Schlegel. Ein studentisches...
In case that I would wonder what makes me a Digital Humanist, I have been given a series of occasions over the past week to see by myself that there were good reasons to consider myself as one and to be happy to do so.
Posters, slides, a foto gallery, papers and abstracts of our workshop on Data Modeling in Digital Letter Editions are being put online as they come in. Check out our “Nachlese” page to keep posted!
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