Monthly Archive: February 2015
I have just spent one week with 400 other Digital Humanists. This is what happens when you go to the yearly conference of the DH association of the German-speaking countries. It took place, as I mentioned in an earlier post, in the lovely city of Graz and the program was, to...
This is the beautiful poster Number 28, designed by Sophia Zeil and presented by Sabine Seifert at the dhd2015 conference.
This is the poster Carolin Hahn presents at the #dhd2015 conference, carrying the title “Auch ich in Rom! Die literarische Inszenierung sozialer Kontakte und Wissenstransfers in deutschsprachigen Reiseberichten Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts” Enjoy!
Only a couple of days, if not rather hours, before the yearly conference organized by the association for Digital Humanities in the German-speaking countries begins. This year, it takes place in the Austrian city of Graz, where I already had the opportunity to attend a conference in July 2011 and was...
I haven’t blogged in what feels like a very long time. In the past weeks, I have given the final classes of my locum professorship and returned to a life where I take my bike to go to work (even in February). It turns out to be a much quieter life, even though...
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