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Monthly Archive: June 2015


Juno at the core

The conference on Henriette Herz ended today in the Mendelssohn-Remise, a location situated opposite the Academy of Sciences and only two houses away from the place where Rahel Levin received her friends. The city center of Berlin is full of historical places, especially around the Gendarmenmarkt, which is unanimously praised in...


The State of Conversation

During the #dhiha6 conference, we tried out different formats in order to foster exchanges. One of them were the Lounges, which I mentioned in an earlier post. In the lounges, participants could actively contribute to predetermined setups by commenting texts, answering questions, letting ideas emerge. This setting was interesting in that it allowed...


Laudatio ad…

Am 15. Juni 2015 fand die erste Verleihung des DH-Berlin-Preises statt. Dies ist der Text meiner Laudatio für den Nachwuchspreis. ———– Meine sehr verehrten Damen und Herren, mir kommen die Ehre und das Vergnügen zu, Ihnen den Nachwuchspreis und dessen diesjährigen Träger vorzustellen. Ich stelle Ihnen weder eine Open-Access-Dienstleistung noch...